

Vibrant Health, 助消化綠色蔬菜貓狗補充劑7.51 oz (213 g)

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  • Premium Pet Supplements From Vibrant Health
  • Organic + Raw
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber
  • Health Supplement
  • Grain Free - Soy Free- Non-GMO- Human Grade
Our pets are true companions who offer us unconditional love and endless entertainment. As a dedicated pet owner, there's no question you want to support their health and well-being. Digestive Greens is a formula comprised of 14 different greens. It's raw, grain free, certified organic, and grown in the United States. Cats and dogs naturally enjoy munching on grass and they probably don't even realize it's fibrous, which aids digestion and contains an abundance of antioxidants, supporting immune function. Many of our animals don't get access to fresh grass and with the common use of pesticides on the grass we and our pets encounter outside, it is not ideal for eating. Digestive Greens is a healthful and convenient solution.

Vibrant Health, 助消化綠色蔬菜,貓狗補充劑,7.51 oz (213 g)



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